Ways To Fall In Love With That Person Anonymously

There are times when it takes a little time to dare and gather the courage to declare your love for someone, but you already feel that need to start with the conquest. If you are at that point, remember that you can start with the option of anonymity, surprising that person with original gifts who will see how you take care of the details and your intention to know them more. Here are some tips to get their attention.

Know Her

The first step to take before starting the conquest is to know a little about the person you want to surprise. What are your likes and interests? What are her hours, and where can you surprise her?

Plan The Strategy

Once you have information about his interests and things he likes and the places he frequents or where he could receive surprises, you can create an agenda to organize the details that you will send.


One of the conquest classics is to send flowers at home; in addition to the flowers, you can investigate what food he likes and go further by sending a brunch or his favorite food to work at lunchtime. You can also send more personalized details of some of their specific hobbies or even a birthday video wishes (video ucapan selamat ulang tahun, which is the term in Indonesia). .

In this form of conquest that is anonymous, home deliveries and technology will become your best allies to make your approaches while preserving anonymity.

Take A Distance

Once you get started with the details and have followed up on your “conquest calendar,” take a breath and “disappear” a bit; during this time, the intrigue of the recipient may grow, and they will show greater interest.

Become Available

If the interest grew and you can perceive that there is sincere interest resulting from your efforts, this will be the moment of confession; arm yourself with courage and confess. Tell the recipient that you are interested and want to get to know them even more.  

After these steps, we hope that the answer you get is positive and that you can start a beautiful love story with the person you love.

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