Tackling Addiction One Step At a Time

One of the most popular programs out there for beating addiction is the famous ’12 Step Program.’ It is a mainstay for TV plotlines and many people have at least one friend or family who has ‘worked the program.’ How much do you actually know about 12 step programs, and what can they do for you?

The History of 12 Step Programs

The original 12 Step Program appeared on the scene way back in 1939. It was designed for Alcoholics Anonymous. Over the decades it has been revised, modernized, and used by people with a variety of addictions. 12 step programs have been a mainstay for everything from Narcotics Anonymous to Gamblers Anonymous and more. Due to their relatively high success rate, addiction treatment centers like Yellowstone Recovery have adopted 12 step programs as a vital part of treatment.

What Do 12 Step Programs Involve?

In these programs, people with addictions work through the steps generally in sequence. The first step is to admit that you have a problem and that your life under addiction is unmanageable. From that point on, 12 step programs focus on learning about yourself and taking personal responsibility. Other steps include:

  • Surrendering oneself to a higher power. This could be your deity of choice or, for non-religious people, the idea of who you are capable of becoming.
  • Fearlessly looking at your moral choices and how they’ve affected you and the ones you love.
  • The famous ‘step 9,’ where you apologize and try to make amends to the people you’ve harmed through your addiction.
  • Helping others who are not as far along on the recovery journey as you are.

12 Steps at Yellowstone Recovery

12 step programs form the foundation for a wide range of addiction treatments. At Yellowstone Recovery, we use these programs along with other strategies to help you beat your addiction. Depending on the individual facets of your case, you may be recommended an outpatient program, inpatient program, detoxification, or sober living.

All of our programs will be customized to your individual case. Some people may benefit from more group therapy sessions a week. Others may flourish in the privacy of one on one treatment with one of our highly experienced counselors.

The First Step to Beating Addiction

Addiction recovery can be a long journey. A vital part of your future success is getting the right help today. At Yellowstone Recovery, we can create a customized treatment plan that works with you and your life. Admitting that your addiction is a problem truly is the first step to recovery. The second step is contacting us today to discuss your options and schedule an interview.

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