Enjoy the japan takayama tours With Some Interesting information

Unique cultural traditions, beautiful landscapes, culinary delights, and traditional architecture, along with the celebration of seasonal festivals, are the chief attractions of Japan. Unless you have already witnessed the captivating beauty of Japan, you must keep on reading to know how the vacation can be one of the most memorable trips of your life. And the tour will be more memorable if you have opted to avail of the japan takayama tours. The place is only four hours’ drive from the busy city of Tokyo. The place is a complete contrast to the highly technical modern-day Japan.

Peek into the past

Edo period in the 16th century has been the golden era of Japan. There had been economic growth, financial stability, and rapid development and spread of art and culture all across Japan. Takayama’s location is amidst the mountains, which somehow creates a barrier between the place and the other parts of the country. So it has nurtured and retained the ancient traditions and customs in the works like sake brewing, carpentry, pottery, lacquerware, furniture making, and more. It is a charming city where you can relax and enjoy a beautiful train journey from Nagoya. The old town of Takayama is called Sanmachi Suji, where you will find the narrow lanes and quaint merchant houses.

Place of sakes

In Hida Takayama, you will find the existence of Nihonshu Sake as a part of the Japanese culture. It is easy to distinguish the traditional Japanese breweries by the sakadaru or sake barrels. You can see them outside the shops or just by the sugidama, which are the special balls that the Japanese make with the cedar branches. The green color of the sugidama indicates that the barrel contains freshly pressed sake from the new harvest of rice. But the brown color indicates that the sake has a maturity, and you can consume it. 

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