Making your First Homecoming Party Worthwhile

Homecoming is a usually a tradition that is similar or more likely a reunion amongst former students of the school. After months or years of not seeing your old acquaintances, each of you might be so eager to see each other again; hence aiming to look beautiful, gorgeous on that day. It is once again a time to say Hi and Hello to your former classmates and teachers, your high school friends and even your high school crushes.

To be able to attain the perfect look for that day, there are a lot of things you might need to prepare, that which includes your whole attire from head to toes.

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Homecoming dress – This will be the most important amongst all the things that you need to prepare for the event as the smaller things or accessories are dependent on which dress will you be wearing. Meanwhile, there are a lot of homecoming dresses you can choose from whether it be online or offline. Any formal dress or a special occasion dress can be worn as a homecoming dress for as long as you are comfortable wearing it. Choosing the perfect homecoming dress may take time especially if it is your first time to attend a homecoming party. Of course, you would like to be the best and the most gorgeous lady on that day so you’ll definitely put much effort in finding the dress. Whilst looking for the best dress, you will also be considering some aspects such as the color that goes well with your skin complexion, the length of the dress that goes well with your height and even the dress pattern if you wish to wear something that has prints.

Accessories – Accessories will also be important as these will add to gorgeousness and confidence. Wearing such accessories will make you feel “I will look more beautiful with this.” Below are some of the accessories that would complement your lovely dress.

  1. Fascinator or hat – A fascinator or a hat is not really much needed meanwhile this could serve as a head embellishment. You can also use headbands or flowers as alternative if you do not want to wear a fascinator or a hat.
  2. Make up – You can go DIY on make-up rather than going to a salon. This will also help you save on your budget. In addition, it would be best to just apply light make up so you will be easily recognized. Always remember simplicity is beauty.
  3. Jewelry – This would also be optional. This includes your necklace, pair of earrings and bracelet. If you decide to wear such, it is recommended that you wear jewelries with small pendants especially if you will be wearing a dress that has prints.
  4. Handbag – Carrying a handbag, containing personal things, will always be ideal. There are some things that are needed for emergency. For instance, you may need to always carry your make up kit to do a retouch.
  5. Shoes – Normally, the color of the handbag depends on the color of your shoes and so it would be best to buy both the handbag and pair of shoes together. As you are going to a homecoming party, you may need to choose comfortable shoes. It is also recommended to wear wedge type shoes if you wish to look taller rather than wearing stilettos, wherein you might not be able to join the social dances or some activities that may require a bit of walking/running.

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Conclusion: Whether it be your first time to attend the party, how you are dressed may be just the second most significant thing you should be thinking meanwhile it does not mean to say that you will go there not dressed properly. With these kinds of events, your presence is actually the most noteworthy as you are somehow representing not just you but also your class.

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