Difference Between Tutoring, Private Class And School Reinforcement?

Before defining what kind of mentoring your child needs, you must first understand the source of the Learning problem. Difficulty in learning can happen for several reasons: lack of organization, a simple misunderstanding, anxiety, sleepless nights, and poor nutrition.

The conditions mentioned above differ greatly from a deeper impairment, as are the causes of ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) and dyslexia, for example. To understand which framework your child fits into, you may need the help of a professional such as a psych pedagogue. After identifying the need, you can choose the service that most identifies with your child’s difficulty.

Private Class

In this type of service, the professional will help the student with specific difficulties and questions in a specific subject. In addition to reviewing past content at school, the teacher will be responsible for preparing and defining the subjects covered in private lessons.


Tutoring such as TU-GET tutoring (ติว TU-GET which is the term in Thai) is best suited for students who have learning difficulties in general, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and dyslexia. In these cases, the professional will work in a multidisciplinary way, teaching techniques and strategies that help the child assimilate the content, adapting the ways of learning according to the needs of each one.

School Reinforcement

School reinforcement is similar to private lessons; the difference is that the teacher’s main role is to reinforce the content seen in the classroom by the student. Not all children assimilate knowledge in the same way. Therefore, the professional responsible for school reinforcement will use different techniques to explain the subject seen at school to make sense to the student, helping them in their educational development.

How Does Distance Education Tutoring Work?

During the pandemic, thousands of children and teachers came into contact with distance learning for the first time. In addition to the problems related to internet access, both students and teachers had difficulties in adapting to distance education for various reasons:

  • Internet access;
  • Availability of adequate equipment;
  • Difficulty paying attention for an extended period;
  • Lack of ability to deal with ICTs (information and communication technologies);
  • Difficulty in producing interesting lessons that engage students.

The points raised above are just some of the many challenges faced in Basic Education with regard to remote learning. In this aspect, the tutor becomes even more essential for learning to take place effectively especially for GED calibration (สอบเทียบ GED which is the term in Thai).

But How Does Distance Education Tutoring Work?

In remote learning, the tutor is responsible for guiding, supervising and evaluating the students’ learning process, clearing up doubts and identifying their difficulties. As everything happens in the digital environment, these professionals need to be aware of trends in online education as well as available technologies. 

As in the face-to-face model, the tutor must use strategies and resources in order to provide a stimulating and fun learning environment, adapting to the abilities and skills of each student. Tutoring in distance education also helps the child to organize and become more autonomous, giving tips on how to conduct online research and how to fix each content in the best way. 


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